Category: golf%20accessory

Spotter Club

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Spotter Club is a golf accessory designed to assist people with grasping disabilities, upper extremity disabilities and other disabilities that would prevent a person from being able to reach a ball on the ground or in a hole. It consists of a standard golf club shaft with special attachments at each end. A tee setter is fitted at the top on the end of the club’s grip. An inverted golf tee is placed in the tee setter, and the user can then use Spotter Club to place the tee in the ground without bending. At the bottom of the shaft in place of the club head is the ball saddle, a plastic scoop with a U-shaped indentation. The ball saddle is used to lift a ball off of the ground or out of a hole. The indentation also allows for Spotter Club to be used to place a ball on a tee. OPTIONS: Available with both the tee setter and the ball saddle or with only the ball saddle. DIMENSIONS: 26 to 47 inches long.


Price Check
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Spotter Club, The

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Made In America Store
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Phone: 716-652-4872